The Silent Killer: How to Recognize and Respond to Horse Colic

The Silent Killer: How to Recognize and Respond to Horse Colic

As horse owners, we want our equine companions to be healthy and happy. However, even with the best care and management, horses can still fall victim to a common and potentially deadly condition known as colic. In this blog post, we will explore the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for horse colic, as well as share personal experiences and expert advice.

Protein for Pumps: Understanding the Role of Whey Protein in Equine Topline Development

Protein for Pumps: Understanding the Role of Whey Protein in Equine Topline Development

The use of whey protein for horses is a topic of interest for many horse owners. While research has shown some potential benefits, it’s important to approach this supplement with caution and consult with a professional before incorporating it into your horse’s diet. With the right approach, whey protein can be a helpful tool in supporting your horse’s overall health and well-being.

After Weaning: The Lasting Impact of Separation on Foal Stress Levels

After Weaning: The Lasting Impact of Separation on Foal Stress Levels

Weaning is a significant event in a foal’s life, as it marks the beginning of their separation from their dam and the transition to solid food. It’s no surprise that this period can be a stressful time for both the foal and the mare. A study conducted by researchers at the University of Kentucky found that foals exhibit increased stress levels for weeks after weaning.